An introduction to composable architecture

Lee Conlin
May 19, 2023
Software development
An introduction to composable architecture

Unlock the benefits of Composable Architecture - a key to flexible, scalable and cost-effective business solutions poised to revolutionise your tech operations.

What is composable architecture?

You can think of composable architecture as being like Lego. Of course, most of us are familiar with this simple children's toy, in which different pieces can join in various configurations. You can then rearrange the same pieces or swap them with others, to build a tower, a house, a pyramid, and more. Indeed, your only limit with Legos is your imagination.

Composable architecture works the same way: You can bring together different technical components in different configurations, depending on your needs, to build whatever you want.

Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs, are one of the most necessary components of a composable architecture. APIs connect systems and enable them to communicate and share information. By properly utilising APIs, you can plug and play different technological solutions. For example, you could connect CRM systems to your website, ensuring that leads flow directly to your team without errors. You could then use the same data to update an app or build out proposals, giving customers a seamless experience from enquiry to purchase.

Composable architecture is already commonly used by companies of all sizes, for customer convenience and expanding business opportunities.

Fortunately, composable architecture is now more affordable and possible than ever, ensuring that your business has the chance to use these tools to grow.

What principles will I need to adopt?

Composable architecture is about so much more than pieces of technology or code.

Indeed, when using composable architecture, you'll need to rearrange and reorient your team around three basic principles.

First, your organisation may have to rearrange how it thinks about technology. Some team members may be more used to thinking about technology in an ordered, structured way rather than as puzzle pieces you can arrange and rearrange at will. Your team will have to ensure that you are constantly reexamining your technological capacity to better meet your customers' needs.

Next, your organisation may need to change. Previous departmental silos may no longer fit the current technological mindset. In other words, you may need to rearrange organisational hierarchies to meet inputs and outcomes rather than specific technological hardware or software components.

Finally, your programming teams will have to invest in these composable technologies. As such, you may need to make significant investments in certain technology spaces to ensure that you can meet the needs of the moment. The new technology you purchase must be composable, modular, and compatible with the rest of your system. Otherwise, you cannot completely adopt the basic principles of composable architecture.

What are the advantages of composable architecture?

The advantages of composable architecture are plentiful.

First, composable architecture allows you to create better experiences for your customers. Better connecting technological solutions enable you to craft experiences, products, or services that better meet your customer's needs.

Composable architecture encourages scalability. By creating systems that connect at will, you can ensure that your entire technological ecosystem grows with your business. For example, a product starting on a website alone may grow to have mobile, 3-D, or augmented reality functionalities. Your business can only adapt to these changes when your technological systems can grow, too.

Finally, composable architecture is highly flexible. When used properly, composable architecture ensures that you can create customised solutions. You can easily shift pieces of technology across your entire business. This flexibility allows you to make technology that fits your needs and can be easily updated to match customer demands.

Such flexibility comes with another benefit: You can reduce costs. From now on, you will no longer have to pay for additional programming or technology investments. Instead, you can rearrange your existing technological systems to create a better product.

Ready to take the next step?

We're deeply proud of the work we have done to help better serve businesses and help them meet their technological needs.

If you need help creating your perfect technological architecture — or you need any other technological assistance — contact us today and learn more about how we can help your business embrace modern technology.

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