Technology selection, adoption and integration services

The speed of technology change is relentless. Our team are at the cutting edge, and can help your business understand, select and adopt the latest technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Technology selection, adoption and integration services

Technology can make or break your business

Even with an internal technical or IT Team, many companies like to call on specialist expertise for a number of reasons.

Unclear technology future

The rate of technology change, especially with cutting edge technologies such as AI, can be impossible to meet without calling on external expertise.

Firms like Distinction invest heavily in R&D and are working with new technologies day-in, day-out. We can help you ramp up quickly, efficiently, and without learning on your time.

Integration complexities

If, like many organisations, you have dozens of disparate systems that struggle to 'talk' to each other, our technical team can help.

We can integrate legacy systems, create new APIs, or put forward a roadmap to replace them over time.

Tackling technical debt

Technical debt, as the name suggests, is the 'debt' your technology accumulates over time. It's the last thing your team wants to work on, and probably the hardest thing to justify investment in to fix it.

A technology audit can quickly diagnose and provide implementable solutions in just one week.

Busy internal teams

For many organisations, having the right internal resources is an overhead they don't want.

By augmenting your existing team with specialists, without the challenges of recruitment, absence, or IR35, is an attractive option.

Technology can make or break your business

Brands that already trust us.

Technology Audit
Get a clear understanding of how to enhance and future-proof your technology stack and integrations. Our Technology Audit is a comprehensive audit of the major technology issues affecting your business, resulting in a clear roadmap to success.
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Technology partners

We work with the world's leading technologies to give our clients a competitive advantage.
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Happy clients

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"These folks are good. Fast, decisive, and there when you need them"
Matt Denman
CEO, Podium
"We wouldn’t have got the project over the line so quickly and successfully without them."
Chris Keane
"They are genuinely excited about what we’re building and why"
Claire Dunn
COO, Obu