Digital branding

Digital branding translates a brand's ethos, values, and look-and-feel into the digital space, ensuring consistency, recognisability, and engagement.

A brand is not just a logo

It's the entire experience your customers have with you.

Staying relevant

Perhaps your brand hasn't changed in 10+ years. Maybe it even pre-dates the internet.

Staying relevant with your customers is critical to your business success.

Increasing engagement

Your brand should engage, inspire and motivate those in the business as well as those outside it.

Having a clear, mapped out customer experience is essential to the modern business.

Unite your team

As members of your team come and go, your culture, values and brand changes. We've seen this ourselves.

It's vital that the digital version of your company evolves in tandem, keeping consistency between who you are, and who you say you are.

Cross-platform consistency

If your brand has a presence on many channels (web, app, social media, customer support, or other digital devices), it's easy for your brand to appear differently on each one.

Adopting a design system is a great way to maintain consistency, and it can be applied retrospectively too.


Progress beyond reason

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One project, one team

We create a dedicated team to work exclusively on your project. From the moment we start working together, we're never distracted by other projects. It's all about yours.

Specialised focus

Unlike consultancies and full service agencies, we're focused 100% on creating and growing businesses using digital products and services. Our knowledge, systems and processes are finely tuned.

Full-service digital

Our expertise covers the full digital services mix, from user research, through design, development and testing, to ongoing support. There's no knowledge lost between phases. And we don't dabble in things we don't understand fully.

Transparent collaboration

Our team will work with you like it's an in-house team. Daily communication, transparent dashboards and agile boards, and shared Teams/Slack channels are the norm.

Tech with a creative edge

Every project team includes a blend of strategists, techies and creatives to ensure no stone is left unturned.
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Frequently asked questions

What Is digital branding and how does it differ from traditional branding?

Digital branding, while sharing some commonalities with traditional branding, represents a more focused approach tailored to the digital world. Traditional branding encompasses a wide range of marketing and identity-building strategies across various platforms, including print media, television, and radio. Its primary goal is to create a recognizable brand identity and image that resonates with consumers broadly.

In contrast, digital branding zeroes in on the internet and digital platforms. It involves creating and establishing a brand's presence across digital channels such as websites, social media, mobile applications, and online advertising. The key difference lies in the medium and the audience's engagement level. Digital branding is not just about logos and taglines; it's about creating a complete digital experience for the consumer. This experience includes interactive and engaging content, online customer service, and a consistent brand voice and personality that's evident across all digital platforms.

One of the primary distinctions is the level of interactivity and engagement that digital branding offers. While traditional branding is often a one-way communication (from brand to consumer), digital branding allows for two-way interactions. Through social media, blogs, and online reviews, consumers can engage directly with the brand, providing feedback, asking questions, and having conversations. This interaction fosters a deeper connection and a more personalized relationship between the brand and its consumers.

Another critical aspect of digital branding is data analytics. Digital platforms provide a wealth of data that can be analyzed to understand consumer behavior, preferences, and trends. Brands can use this data to tailor their marketing strategies, personalize consumer experiences, and make informed decisions about product development and branding strategies.

In summary, digital branding is an evolution of traditional branding, adapted for the digital age. It's about creating a comprehensive, interactive, and data-driven brand presence online, where engagement and personalization are key.