
Our prototyping service transforms ideas into visual concepts, so you can invest (or seek investment) with more certainty and confidence.

Validate your concept before committing significant resources.

Prototyping gives you a visual and partially interactive version of your idea, without spending the earth.

Minimise risk

Before investing significant resources into the creation of a full digital product, it's sensible to test the idea with a prototype.

Streamline the build process through discovering the aspects of your idea that require fine-tuning.

Iterate your idea

Successful founders know that they need user feedback to improve their original idea.

Prototypes are a great way of getting user feedback, and can be done before a product is made, or as part of conceptualising a new feature.

Raise investment

Prototypes are also a great way of securing investment in your digital product.

Investors are generally risk-averse, and showing them a working/clickable version of your digital product is a perfect way to reduce their perceived risk in your idea.

Align stakeholders

If you have multiple founders, or delivery partners (like us), sharing a prototype of how the idea 'should' look / work / feel is a great way to align the team.

Afterall, what good is an idea if it's just in your head?


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Why choose Distinction?

One project, one team

We create a dedicated team to work exclusively on your project. From the moment we start working together, we're never distracted by other projects. It's all about yours.

Specialised focus

Unlike consultancies and full service agencies, we're focused 100% on creating and growing businesses using digital products and services. Our knowledge, systems and processes are finely tuned.

Full-service digital

Our expertise covers the full digital services mix, from user research, through design, development and testing, to ongoing support. There's no knowledge lost between phases. And we don't dabble in things we don't understand fully.

Transparent collaboration

Our team will work with you like it's an in-house team. Daily communication, transparent dashboards and agile boards, and shared Teams/Slack channels are the norm.

Tech with a creative edge

Every project team includes a blend of strategists, techies and creatives to ensure no stone is left unturned.
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Frequently asked questions

How does an MVP differ from a prototype or full-fledged product?

An MVP differs significantly from a prototype and a full-fledged product.

A prototype is a preliminary model to explore ideas and design concepts, not necessarily intended for release to the public. It's more about testing a concept than a market-ready product.

In contrast, an MVP is a simplified version of the product, developed with enough features to attract early adopters and validate a product idea early in the product development cycle.

A full-fledged product is a completely developed product with all intended features and functionalities, ready for the mass market.

We elaborate on the differences between and MVP and a prototype in our journal.

How do you approach prototyping, and how is it beneficial in visualising the final product?

Prototyping is crucial for visualising the final product and gathering early feedback.

The prototyping service transforms concepts into tangible (often clickable) visuals, bridging the gap between imagination and reality.

This iterative process of prototyping, testing, and refining helps in identifying design issues early, saving time and resources in the long run.