
Updating this B2B organization to a modern composable architecture

Technical strategy
Web development
Web design
Conversion rate optimisation (CRO)

Solidatus is a world-leading data management solution, chosen by the world's most data rich and regulated organisations for its game-changing visualisation capabilities and ability to rapidly speed up data projects.

They identified a pressing need to evolve from their traditional content management system - it was hindering their business performance and ability to grow.

The ambition was clear: a digital platform that resonates with the needs of editors and users, enabling Solidatus to offer their prospects and customers an unmatched user experience.

In under 2 months, Solidatus transitioned to a modern, headless content management system:

This transformation enabled faster operations, reduced reliance on developers, and positioned Solidatus for substantial digital growth.

The transition led to a goal conversion rate of 7.9% within 6 months of the launch.

Updating this B2B organization to a modern composable architecture

Solidatus enables organisations to quickly achieve comprehensive data lineage and organisation-wide understanding.

With a trusted and holistic understanding of their data, organisations can automate process, reduce costs, mitigate risk, demonstrate regulatory compliance and eliminate data debt.


  1. Limitations posed by an outdated data management system.
  2. Inability to swiftly and autonomously roll out new functionalities.
  3. Integration complications with previous data management solutions.


  1. Transitioned from the dated system to Solidatus, a contemporary data lineage solution.
  2. Distinction provided guidance on digital strategy, system architecture, user experience, and deployment.
  3. Devised modular components to facilitate rapid feature deployment.


  1. The innovative platform was set up and made operational in less than 2 months.
  2. Data managers commenced operations after just one instructional session.
  3. Speedy, efficient, and tailored functionalities are now autonomously developed by Solidatus.

The Story

Solidatus has an exceptional reputation in assisting enterprises to navigate the intricate world of data management, ensuring that they harness the maximum potential of their information. In the realm of data lineage, they have positioned themselves as invaluable allies to businesses wanting clarity and control over their complex data ecosystems.

Their digital platform is pivotal for connecting with businesses, analysts, and data managers in need of robust data lineage solutions. As the demand for transparency and clarity in data management surges, it's imperative that Solidatus' platform offers an unmatched digital journey to its users.

Realising the constraints of their incumbent CMS, they reached out to Distinction for assistance in migrating to a more advanced, scalable solution.

Solidatus aimed for a solution that not only accommodated the needs of their public audience, but also gave their internal teams the ability to introduce new features swiftly and autonomously.

Distinction recommended adopting a modern microservices technology stack, leveraging best of breed solutions rather than compromising on an all-in-one option. This approach gave Solidatus the autonomy and future flexibility they were after. It entailed decoupling content from its usage context, providing Solidatus with an unparalleled malleability in how their content was accessed and presented.

Opting for a modern solution also mandated structured content management, letting Solidatus curate content that could be seamlessly repurposed across various platforms including their partner and support networks.

And being an API-driven model, integration with other essential tools was straightforward, evolving Solidatus' tech suite.

Together, we refined the user experience, system architecture, digital strategy, and digital roadmap. We utilised state-of-the-art front-end frameworks to ensure the platform was agile and robust.

New modules were designed, allowing for easy reuse and scalability. This meant that when new features were needed, there was no dependence on extensive developer intervention – pre-existing modules could simply be repurposed.

The project was impressively swift. Introducing editors to the new CMS required just a single training session, and the complete system overhaul was accomplished in under 2 months.

Now, Solidatus is poised for exponential digital growth, all thanks to the agility and scalability furnished by their new website.

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