Technical strategy

The technology underpinning a digital product can make or break its success.

So selecting the right tech stack is crucial - balancing current needs and constraints with future scalability and performance.

Why do I need technical strategy expertise?

Even with an internal technical or IT Team, many companies like to call on specialist expertise for a number of reasons.

Integration complexities

If, like many organisations, you have dozens of disparate systems that struggle to 'talk' to each other, our technical team can help.

We can integrate legacy systems, create new APIs, or put forward a roadmap to replace them over time.

Unclear technology future

The rate of technology change, especially in AI and digital platforms, can be overwhelming.

Our technology audit can effectively break down challenges and provide answers on integrated solutions in just a few weeks.

Increasing technical debt

Technical debt, as the name suggests, is the 'debt' your technology accumulates over time.

A diagnostic sprint can quickly diagnose and provide implementable solutions in just one week.

Cloud adoption struggles

The cloud has been around for about 20 years, yet many companies are slow to embrace the benefits.

If you're unsure if the cloud is right for you, arrange a free consultation below to find out more.


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What makes us worth talking to?

Why choose Distinction?

One project, one team

We create a dedicated team to work exclusively on your project. From the moment we start working together, we're never distracted by other projects. It's all about yours.

Specialised focus

Unlike consultancies and full service agencies, we're focused 100% on creating and growing businesses using digital products and services. Our knowledge, systems and processes are finely tuned.

Full-service digital

Our expertise covers the full digital services mix, from user research, through design, development and testing, to ongoing support. There's no knowledge lost between phases. And we don't dabble in things we don't understand fully.

Transparent collaboration

Our team will work with you like it's an in-house team. Daily communication, transparent dashboards and agile boards, and shared Teams/Slack channels are the norm.

Tech with a creative edge

Every project team includes a blend of strategists, techies and creatives to ensure no stone is left unturned.
Need to know more?

Frequently asked questions

What is your process for developing a technical strategy?

Developing a technical strategy involves assessing current technology systems, understanding business objectives, identifying gaps or inefficiencies in current technology use, and creating a plan for technology development and integration that supports business goals.

What types of organizations can benefit from technical strategy services?

Any organization that relies on technology for its operations can benefit, regardless of its size or industry. This includes startups, small and medium enterprises, large corporations, non-profits, and government agencies.

How long does it take to develop and implement a technical strategy?

The timeframe varies based on the organization's size, complexity, and specific needs. It can range from a few weeks to several months for the initial strategy development, with ongoing adjustments and implementations over time.

What specific technologies and frameworks do you use?

We're agnostic. We use a range of modern technologies tailored to the project's needs, including:

  • Modern front-end technologies such as React, Vue, NextJS and Tailwind CSS
  • Leading backend technologies including .NET, Java and PHP
  • Native mobile development using Swift, React Native, Kotlin and Flutter
  • Scalable database services including Azure SQL, CosmosDB, MongoDB and others
  • Composable CMS platforms such as, Sanity, Prismic and Payload CMS
  • Best of need DXP systems such as Umbraco, Kentico and WordPress
  • Codeless prototyping solutions such as Webflow and Retool

This enables us to choose the right technology stack that aligns with the project's goals and the long-term vision.

You can read more about our technology partners here.